No one expected 'Another Monty Python Record'! Although it was an improvement on the sound from their first album on BBC Records, it was most certainly not 'Beethoven Symphony No. 2 In D Major'. It's a glorious satire of culture with sweeping serious implications behind the naughty bits and explosions. Many of the sketches were from or ended up on their BBC television show and everything is credited to the entire troupe of Michael Palin, Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, and Terry Gilliam. Terry Jones wrote about the recording: "We had this horrendous time because we were recording in this rather hippy recording studio which fortunately I can't remember the name of. ... We were very keen to use the stereo and everything, but what we hadn't realised was that the guy who was doing the recording, who I think was out of his head most of the time, had not been making any notes. We'd end up with tapes and tapes of material with no idea of where anything was on the tapes ... That was a bitter experience."
'Spam' isn't only for vikings.
'Spanish Inquisition'
"...Amongst our weaponry are such diverse elements as: fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms - Oh damn! "
'Ethel the Frog' is also known as 'The Pirana Brothers'
This sketch combines the audio ridiculousness of 'The Death Of Mary Queen Of Scots' with 'Penguin on the Television'.
Watch for the secret handshake in 'The Architect'
'Undertaker' causes a riot.
'Another Monty Python Record'
full album:
Side One
Apologies (2:11)
Spanish Inquisition (2:03)
Gumby Theatre (1:50)
Norman St John Polevaulter (Contradicting People) (0:28)
Old Ladies Thrown Into The Fjord (0:08)
The Architect (2:44)
Spanish Inquisition (1:18)
Royal Festival Hall Concert (4:18)
The Piranha Brothers (10:07)
Side Two
Death Of Mary, Queen Of Scots (2:20)
Spam (2:30)
Spanish Inquisition (Comfy Chair) (1:25)
Sound Quiz (1:20)
Be A Great Actor (3:07)
Theatre Critic (1:26)
The Judges (1:27)
Stake Your Claim (2:26)
Still No Sign Of Land (Lifeboat)
The Judges (0:25)
Undertaker (1:38)
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