This loose, and I do mean loose, affiliation of folk aces found a transcendent expression of the form with this shambling, hysterical masterpiece. Recorded over three wild days, 'Have Moicy!' is credited to Michael Hurley / The Unholy Modal Rounders / Jeffrey Frederick & the Clamtones; but it isn't even that simple. The nine musicians spill into each other's songs like fugly jug wine with the combined ensemble creating a glorious din that finds meaning in the mundane. Michael Hurley and collaborators Wax Iwaskiewicz and Robert Nickson joined Paul Presti and Peter Stampfel of the Holy Modal Rounders, calling themselves Unholy due to the absence of Steve Weber. Jeffrey Frederick had recently relocated from Vermont to Oregon and brought fellow Clamtones Jill Gross, Dave Reisch and Robin Remaily to the party.
Midnight in Paris
"You wear my beret and I'll use your bidet, cherie
I'll be clean you'll be free,"
Slurf Song
"Oh I see the dishes over there
They fill me with despair"
"I got a jug of wine, Griselda
Why should you waste your time in sorrow
Hold out your hand and have no fear
If we're caught I'll marry you tomorrow"
What Made My Hamburger Disappear
Sweet Lucy
Jealous Daddy's Death Song
"And if any of you punks try to misbehave
I'll haunt your asses to an early grave
I'm telling you telling you telling you boys
Don't you monkey with my widow when I'm gone."
Hoodoo Bash
"they're bringing thunderbird wine and a pound of hash/come on along if you're one of the people/'cause we're going to get the spirit down at the hoodoo bash."
'Have Moicy!'
full album:
"Midnight in Paris" (Conrad, Magidson) - 3:17
"Robbin' Banks" (Frederick) - 4:00
"Slurf Song" (Hurley) - 3:18
"Jackknife/The Red Newt" (Frederick) - 3:29
"Griselda" (Antonia) - 2:22
"What Made My Hamburger Disappear" (Frederick) - 3:05
"Sweet Lucy" (Hurley) - 4:05
"Country Bump"(Stampfel) - 2:38
"Fooey Fooey" (Hurley) - 2:55
"Jealous Daddy's Death Song" (Karl Davis) - 2:04
"Driving Wheel" (Hurley) - 3:45
"Weep Weep Weep" (Frederick) - 2:13
"Hoodoo Bash" (Antonia) - 3:32
The (Un) Holy Modal Rounders
Live @ Gerde's Folk City, NYC
Sept. 17, 1976
Black Jack Davey
He Rambled
Slurf Song
Be True To Your School
The Sun Is Slowly Sinking
Uncle Bob's Gone
Wooly Booly
Sweet Lucy
Fucking Sailors In Chinatown
Drivin' Wheel
Peter Stampfel - fiddle, vocals
Paul Presti - guitar & vocals
Kirby Pines - bass
Charlie Messing - rhythm guitar & vocals
Jeff Berman - drums
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